GAIT's Successful Exhibition at High End Munich 2024

As the curtains close on a vibrant four days at High End Munich 2024, we at GAIT are filled with gratitude and excitement. Welcoming each of you to our showcase was an absolute pleasure. We are beyond reinvigorated by the energy you brought and are more motivated than ever to drive innovation and excellence. Quick recap of highlights from our team members below:
Reflections from David Chou, Founder of GAIT:
"We were thrilled to see so many familiar faces among our visitors. Many returning customers excitedly exclaimed, 'Glad to see you again!’ and trust us, the sentiment was mutual! The feedback we received was overwhelmingly positive, with the vast majority of our listeners praising the exceptional cleanliness and quality of our sound, often noting it surpassed most other speakers and headphones. Excitement to purchase our glass diaphragm speakers in Europe is high–high-end brand customers and enthusiastic dealers continue to request samples, eager to forge partnerships and expand our reach. We also received significant interest from veteran consultants in loudspeaker design. The demand is clear, and we’re ready to deliver!"
A word from our CTO, Kit Chan:
"Last year's clients who evaluated our UTG glass diaphragms are now seeing their product plans materialize with a new line of glass diaphragm products. We met numerous transducer experts who acknowledged the exceptional value of our glass diaphragm bookshelf speaker set—one of the highlights of the show. We're grateful for the overwhelming appreciation for our innovative headphone and earphone prototypes, featuring our 0.035mm UTG glass diaphragm. It was wonderful to reconnect with past visitors and to showcase the advancements we've passionately pursued."
Insights from our Product Director, Leo Ho:
"The responses we received were electrifying! Many of our visitors were returnees from last year, and their enthusiasm in our listening room was palpable. A big shoutout to those who gave us a thumbs up. We are deeply thankful to those who revisited our booth and brought friends and loved ones to share in this extraordinary experience."
We’d also like to extend our heartfelt thanks to Huikang KECES's S4 and S300's ultra-high resolution lossless Pre-amplifier and Power-amplifier, as well as Decheng dc-cable’s zero-loss, ultra-perfect speaker cable, whose phenomenal quality amplifiers and cables completed our HIFI system setup, allowing every visitor to fully experience the depth, clarity, and beauty of sound that GAIT has to offer.
The GAIT team looks forward to returning to High End Munich next year! And if you catch us in a different corner of the world, stop by and say hello–we can’t wait to see you again!