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  2. Whilst every effort is made to ensure the information and the data contained in this website (including, but not limited to, any descriptions or specifications relating to any product) is correct, no guarantee or warranty is or can be given as to the accuracy of any such information or data or that any particular product referred to in this website is fit for any particular purpose. For details concerning any product detailed in this website, please refer to an authorised  Glass Acoustic Innovations Co., Ltd. dealer.

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  5. Any information and data contained on this website may be changed or updated without notice. Glass Acoustic Innovations Co., Ltd. furthermore reserves the right to change the specification of any product referred to in this website or to cease to supply any such product without notice.

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Glass Acoustic Innovations Co., Ltd.

4th Floor, No. 11, Qiaoan St, Zhonghe District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 235

Copyright ©2018 Glass Acoustic Innovations Technology Co., Ltd. All rights reserved

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